
When the world finally ended
She learned to love
The peace of the silence
The emptiness above
The potential in everything
And the peace within
When the world ended
She was finally ready to begin

True Power

I find pieces

Among the ashes that were left

Too small to truly tell

But I knew it’s where I sat

Gathering stories

Making believe

That I could escape

That I would leave

I find pieces familiar, yet strange

For I have wandered far

And with time

I grew to love change

I learned that without those pieces

I’m still whole

Shedding them off had failed

To make me feel small

The earth gives me power

And I, like you, little flower

Have learned to push the concrete aside

Have learned that I no longer need to hide

And I came to know my true power

Alien Hopes

I was hoping for an alien invasion

Maybe then

The question of

“Where are you from? “

Could be easier answered

And I could say


And no one would follow with

“But where were you born”

I was hoping for an alien invasion

So I could no longer be called an alien

Such as my luck

No alien cared to make my hopes true

And I still look at you

Unable to speak

The language I grew up


A Tree’s Memory

She remembered a sky glowing red

Noises in her head

Figures that screamed

Others that whispered

And some that bled

She remembered joyful wonder

Cries of surrender

Stars that wept

Nights when she slept

On a warm earth

Nothing else beneath

No sheets no shields

She remembered before she was this magnificent tree

She was a woman

Wondering what she’ll be

When this earth turns to dust

Self Love

Don’t forget to nurture your soul

You lost your pieces
Those that made you, you
And now you wander
Forgetting what you loved
To do